year: 2015
location: Sofia, Bulgaria
area: 10m2
As landscape architects, we are responsible for the environment and the improvement of urban spaces, so we decided to join the global annual initiative PARK(ing) day and transform one of the parking spaces in front of the Union of Architects into a flower meadow. To do this we used more than 300 paper poppies and a truckload of gravel.
On September 18, the regular parking spots were occupied by people learning to dance, cooking, playing football, working or just relaxing. PARK(ing) day was in Sofia for a fifth year to reexamine the role of parking in the city as a temporary public space.
Poppies of paper and metal made by Paper Being „bloomed” on the outlines of a parking lot on Krakra Street . They were handed out for a donation to a charity to buy trees for the South Park in Sofia. We are happy that we managed to gather 347 lv and thank everyone who took part in our cause – younger and older children, architects, sculptors, grandfathers and even cats!
To create this beautiful Moorish lawn Viridis worked in partnership with Credo Bonum, main organisers of PARK(ing) day in Sofia, and the Chamber of Architects in Bulgaria. The POPPY PARK(ing) project was part of the first ARCHITECTURE FESTIVAL SOFIA 2015.