year: 2012
location: Varna, Bulgaria
area: 34 000m2

The project was part of a design competition for the revitalisation of the Sea Garden’s coastal alley in Varna. It was awarded First Place and the Special Prize of the Municipality of Varna.

Kрайбрежна алея – Mорска градина – Bарна - Изглед

Along the Seaside Promenade there will be a bike lane, sightseeing platforms with multi-purpose relaxation spots, and pieces of designer park furniture.

Kрайбрежна алея – Mорска градина – Bарна - водна каскада

The current water cascade will be transformed to have multiple levels, each with varying circular openings, which would create a spectacle for the viewers. There will be observations decks from where the visitors can enjoy the beautiful dance of the water.

Kрайбрежна алея – Mорска градина – Bарна - плажна зона

Specifically designed areas along the Seaside Promenade will provide easy access to the beach, resting spots, sightseeing platforms and showers.

Kрайбрежна алея – Mорска градина – Bарна - балнеолечебен център

The design concept includes the construction of a balneotherapy complex at the mineral water well, known to the people of Varna as the ”Hot Spring”. It will feature a hot mineral water pool, a cold water pool and several hydro-massage tubs, as well as a temperate area where the spring and sea waters meet.

Kрайбрежна алея – Mорска градина – Bарна - денрологичен проект

The existing plant life will be enriched with new decorative species.

Kрайбрежна алея – Mорска градина – Bарна - детайли

We have provided a solution to reinforce the slope with retaining walls made of recycled metal tubes. Cascading plants can then be grown in them that would resemble a green waterfall.

Kрайбрежна алея – Mорска градина – Bарна - детайл на осветително тяло

Recycled tubes will also be used to create a piece of designer outdoor furniture – solar-powered LED lamp posts.